Contracts at the level of Academy


  • New methods for pre-treatment of plastics before applying nanostructured coatings - EBR project bilateral agreement BAS - WBI Free University of Brussels (Walloon, ULB)
  • Electrochemical receiving, modification and characterization of nanostructures materials - EBR project bilateral agreement BAS - FWO Free University of Brussels (Flemish, VUB)
  • Nanostructures interphase solution-air and stability of thin liquid films at equilibrium and dynamic conditions - Institute of Catalysis - PAN, Poland
  • Development of the method for electrophoresis of single particles - Flemish Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
  • Thin liquid films of water solutions of Association and / or fluorescent-tagged polymers - RA Romania
  • Rich in iron oxide ceramics and glass ceramics with improved properties by industrial waste - EAS, Egypt
  • Computer models of non-equilibrium systems - Aristotle University, Greece
  • Instabilities on crystal surfaces during evaporation and growth - Institute of Physics, Poland


In the framework program Horizon 2020 Erasmus:
project "Dynamics of surfactant adsorption, formability, foam film stability" - with the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Krakow, Poland