Professor ALEXANDER MILCHEV, Ph.D., D.Sc. Address: |
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Professor Alexander Atanassov Milchev graduated in chemistry from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski" in 1968. In the same year he joined the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences where he works in the field of Electrocrystallization of metals and alloys carrying out theoretical and experimental studies. He obtained his PhD and DSc degrees in the same field.
Name: Alexander Atanassov Milchev, born 07.01.1943
Nationality: Bulgarian
Citizenship: Bulgarian
Marital Status: married, 2 children
Affiliation : Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Office address: Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G.Bonchev Str. Bl.11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
See also:
Position: Professor
Research Field: Electrocrystallization of metals and alloys: Theoretical and Experimental Studies
Scientific degrees: Philosophy Doctor (PhD), Doctor of Science (DSc)
Scientific Projects
1. Influence of organic and inorganic additives on the initial and advanced stages of electrocrystallization of metals (1992-1994). Project leaders: Alexander Milchev and Dimiter Stoychev
2. Studies of electrochemical phase formation and crystal growth of metals and alloys on foreign substrates (1995-1998). Project leader: Alexander Milchev. This Project won the First Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic Bulgaria.
3. Processes of nucleation and growth during electrochemical deposition of metal catalysts (2000-2002). Project leader: Alexander Milchev. This Project won the First Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic Bulgaria.
4. Electrochemical phase formation and growth of metals, alloys and conducting polymers. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (till 2010). Project leader: Alexander Milchev.
International scientific collaboration:
1. University of Southampton, England (1978, as a fellow of the British Council).
2. University of Karlsruhe, Germany, (1983-1984, as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation).
3. University of Braunschweig, Germany (1989, as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation).
4. University of Braunschweig, Germany (1991-1994, as a Co-Director of a German-Bulgarian Research Project sponsored by the German Research Society (DFG)).
5. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands (1992, as a visiting professor, fellow of the Netherlands Foundation for Chemical Research (SON)).
6. Free University of Brussels, Belgium (1998-2000, as a Co-Director of a Belgian-Bulgarian Research Project sponsored by the French Community of Belgium (CGRI) and by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
7. University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1998-2000, as a Co-Director of a Bulgarian-Greek Research Project sponsored by NATO).
8. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (2000-2004, as a Co-Director of a Bulgarian-Belgian Research Project sponsored by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO)-Flanders, Belgium).
9. Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (2006-2008). Bilateral scientific collaboration between BAS and RAS.
1. Associate member of Commission I.3 Electrochemistry of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) – (1991-1993).
2. Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, BAS (1996-2010). Chairman of the Scientific Council (2008-2010).
3. Member of the Specialized Scientific Council on Physical Chemistry at the Higher Attestation Commission of the Council of Ministers of Republic Bulgaria – (2000-2010).
4. Member of the Bulgarian National Committee of IUPAC – since 2000.
5. Member of the Higher Attestation Commission for Chemical Sciences at the Council of Ministers of Republic Bulgaria – (2000-2003).
6. Member of the Specialized Scientific Council on Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the Higher Attestation Commission of the Council of Ministers of Republic Bulgaria – (2004-2007).
7. National Representative of Commission on Physicochemical Symbols, Terminology and Units (I.I) of IUPAC since – 2006;
8. Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems (IEES), BAS – since 2008.
9. Member of Commission for Natural Sciences at the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic Bulgaria – since 2010.
Scientific contributions:
Author of 99 scientific papers, 1 patent and 3 monographs.
Number of citations of Alexander Milchev's publications found in the international scientific
literature till March 2013: 2512.
h-index: according to SCOPUS h = 22, accounting for citations before 1996 as well as citations of monographs and citations in monographs, PhD and DSc Theses h = 29
1. "Electrocrystallization: Fundamentals of Nucleation and Growth", Alexander Milchev
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002, ISBN 1-4020-7090-X.
2. "Academician Rostislaw Kaischew: Life Dedicated to Science", Alexander Milchev and Stoyan Stoyanov
Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2003, ISBN 954-430-968-3, (in Bulgarian)
3. "Academician Rostislaw Kaischew: Life Dedicated to Science", Alexander Milchev and Stoyan Stoyanov
1. "The Impact of Electrocrystallization on Nanotechnology", G. Staikov and A. Milchev
In Electrocrystallization in Nanotechnology, Ed. G.Staikov, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2007), p.3, ISBN 978-3-527-31515-4.
2. "Initial stages of copper electrodeposition: an overview", T. Zapryanova, A.Hrussanova N. Jordanov and A. Milchev
In “Nanoscale Phenomena and Structures”, Ed. D. Kashchiev, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2008, p.65, ISBN 978-954-322-244-5.
3. Concepts related to electrochemical nucleation and growth phenomena, A.Milchev
defined in Electrochemical Dictionary, Eds. A.J.Bard, G.Inzelt, F.Scholz, Springer-Verlag, 2008; Pages: 259-260, 263, 322-323, 456-460, 648, 707, 717-719, ISBN 978-3-540-74597-6
1. "Nucleation phenomena in electrochemical systems: Thermodynamic concepts", A.Milchev
in Book of Lectures, FP6 European Project NANOPHEN, IPC, BAS, 2007, p.129-140.
2. "Nucleation phenomena in electrochemical systems: Kinetic models", A.Milchev
in Book of Lectures, FP6 European Project NANOPHEN, IPC, BAS, 2007, p.141-158.
3. "Electrochemical growth of nanoclusters", A.Milchev
in Book of Lectures, FP6 European Project NANOPHEN, IPC, BAS, 2007, p. 159-172.
I.1. Electrochemical nucleation, I.1.1. Theory
1. "Atomistic theory of electrolytic nucleation – Part I", A.Milchev, S.Stoyanov and R.Kaischev, Thin Solid Films, 22(1974)255-265.
2. "Atomistic theory of electrolytic nucleation – Part II”, A.Milchev, S.Stoyanov and R.Kaischev, Thin Solid Films, 22(1974)267-274.
3. "Atomistic theory of electrolytic nucleation”, A.Milchev, S.Stoyanov and R.Kaischev, Commun. Dept. Chem. BAS, 8(1975) 305-321 (in Bulgarian)
4. "Interrelation between the atomistic and the classical theory of nucleation”, S.Stoyanov and A.Milchev, Commun. Dept. Chem. BAS, 8(1975) 323-333 (in Bulgarian)
5. "Three dimensional electrolytic nucleation-theoretical models and experiment", A.Milchev, Proceed. 28th ISE Meeting, Druzhba-Varna, 1(1977) 122-131 (review)
6. "Theoretical aspects of electrolytic nucleation at high supersaturations”, A.Milchev, S.Stoyanov and R.Kaischev, Elektrokhimia, 13 (1977) 855-860 (in Russian), Soviet. Electrochem., 13 (1977) 723 (English translation)
7. "Role of the substrate state in electrochemical nucleation" (review), A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 28(1983)947-953.
8. "Contribution to the theory of nucleation on preferred sites - Part I”, A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 30(1985)125-131.
9. "Phase formation - stability and nucleation kinetics of small clusters" (review), A.Milchev and J.Malinovski, Surface Sci., 156(1985)36-43.
10. "Contribution to the theory of nucleation on preferred sites - Part II”, A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 31(1986)977-980.
11. "Theory of progressive nucleation and growth accounting for the ohmic drop in, the electrolyte Part I”, A.Milchev and V.Tsakova, J.Appl.Electrochem., 20(1990)301-306.
12. "Electrochemical phase formation on a foreign substrate - basic theoretical, concepts and some experimental results" (review), A.Milchev, Contemporary Physics, 32(1991)321-332.
13. "Distribution of the nucleation rate in the vicinity of a growing spherical cluster, Part I. Theory and simulation results”, A.Milchev, W.S.Kruijt, M.Sluyters-Rehbach and J.H.Sluyters, J.Electroanal.Chem., 362(1993)21-31.
14. "Distribution of the nucleation rate in the vicinity of a growing spherical cluster, Part II. Theory of some special cases and experimental results”, W.S.Kruijt, M.Sluyters-Rehbach, J.H.Sluyters and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 371(1994)13-26.
15. "Electrochemical nucleation on active sites-what do we measure in reality? Part I.”, A.Milchev, J. Electroanal.Chem., 457(1998)35.
16. "Electrochemical nucleation on active sites-what do we measure in reality? Part II.”, A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 457(1998)47.
17. "Electrochemical nucleation and growth of nano- and microparticles: some, theoretical and experimental aspects" (review), Alexander Milchev and Luc Heerman, Electrochimica Acta, 48(2003)2903.
18. "The impact of electrocrystallization on nanotechnology" (review), G. Staikov and A. Milchev, in Electrocrystallization in Nanotechnology, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007, ISBN 978-3-527-31515-4.
19. "Nucleation phenomena in electrochemical systems: Thermodynamic concepts", A.Milchev (review), in Book of Lectures, FP6 European Project NANOPHEN, IPC, BAS, 2007, p.129-140.
20. "Nucleation phenomena in electrochemical systems: Kinetic models"(review), A.Milchev, in Book of Lectures, FP6 European Project NANOPHEN, IPC, BAS, 2007, p.141-158.
21. "Nucleation and growth of clusters through multi-step electrochemical reactions”, A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 612(2008)42 (see also J.Electroanal.Chem., 624(2008)341
22. "Concepts related to electrochemical nucleation and growth phenomena”, A.Milchev, in Electrochemical Dictionary, Eds. A.J.Bard, G.Inzelt, F.Scholz, Springer-Verlag,, Berlin, Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-74597-6.
23. "Electrocrystallization: nucleation and growth of nano-clusters on solid surfaces" (REVIEW) A.Milchev Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 44(6)(2008)619-645.
24. “Two-dimensional progressive and instantaneous nucleation with overlap: the case of multi-step electrochemical reactions”, А. Milchev and I. Krastev, Electrochimica Acta 56(2011)2399-2403.
25. “Electrochemical phase formation: some fundamental concepts” (Review), A.Milchev, J.Solid State Electrochemistry 15(2011)1401-1415.
I.1.2. Experimental
1. "Electrolytic nucleation of silver in aqueous solutions and fused salts", S.Toschev, A.Milchev, K.Popova and I.Markov, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 22(1969)1413-1416.
2. "Classical and atomistic models of electrolytic nucleation – comparison with experimental data”, A.Milchev and S.Stoyanov, J.Electroanal.Chem., 72(1976)33-43.
3. "Electrolytic nucleation of silver on a glassy carbon electrode, Part.I. Mechanism of critical nucleus formation", A.Milchev, E.Vassileva and V.Kertov, J. Electroanal.Chem., 107(1980)323-336.
4. "Electrolytic nucleation of silver on a glassy carbon electrode, Part.II. Steady state nucleation rate", A.Milchev and E.Vassileva, J.Electroanal.Chem., 107(1980)337-352.
5. "Initial stages of mercury electrodeposition on glassy carbon”, A.Milchev and V.Bozhevolnov, Ext. Abstracts 6th International. Conference on Crystal Growth, Moskow, 1980, p.491.
6. "A potentiostatic study of the electrochemical nucleation of silver on vitreous, carbon", A.Milchev, B.Scharifker and G.Hills, J.Electroanal.Chem., 132(1982)277-289.
7. "Effect of substrate transformations on the kinetics and thermodynamics of electrochemical phase formation”, A.Milchev, V.Tsakova, T.Chierchie, K.Jüttner and W.J.Lorenz, Electrochim. Acta, 31(1986)971-975.
8. "Temperature dependence of the nucleation rate of mercury on a platinum single crystal electrode”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 197(1986)359-371.
9. "Substrate transformation phenomena during the nucleation of silver on a polyfaced platinum single crystal electrode Part I. Temperature and overpotential dependence of the stationary nucleation rate" A.Milchev, T.Chierchie, K.Jüttner and W.J.Lorenz Electrochim.Acta, 32(1987)1039-1042.
10. "Substrate transformation phenomena during the nucleation of silver on a, polyfaced platinum single crystal electrode, Part II. Characterization of the platinum surface", A.Milchev, T.Chierchie, K.Jüttner and W.J.Lorenz, Electrochim Acta, 32(1987)1043-1047.
11. "Comparative studies of electrochemical phase formation by amperometric and, microscopic methods, Part I. Nucleation kinetics in dilute solutions of mercury nitrate”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 235(1987)237-247.
12. "Influence of electrolyte acidity on the nucleation kinetics of silver and mercury on, platinum”, E.Michailova, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, Commun. Dept. Chem. BAS, 20(1987)537-541.
13. "Nucleation and growth kinetics of Ag7NO11 on a platinum single crystal, electrode”, E.Michailova and A.Milchev, J.Appl.Electrochem., 18(1988)614-618.
14. "Electrochemical nucleation of silver at a controlled amount of the oxygen, containing surface species”, T.Chierchie and A.Milchev, Electrochim.Acta, 35(1990)1873-1877.
15. "A galvanostatic study of electrochemical nucleation”, A.Milchev and M.I.Montenegro, J.Electroanal.Chem., 333(1992)93-102.
16. "Studies of electrochemical nucleation by means of standard and modified pulse, potentiostatic techniques”, A.Milchev and E.Michailova, Electrochemistry Communications, 2(2000)15.
17. "Electrochemical nucleation and growth of rhodium on gold substrates”, M.Arbib, B.Zhang, V.Lazarov, D.Stoychev, A.Milchev and Cl.Buess- Herman, J.Electroanal.Chem., 510(2001)67-77.
18. "Nucleation and growth of copper under combined charge transfer and diffusion, limitations. Part I.”, Alexander Milchev and Theodora Zapryanova, Electrochimica Acta, 51(2006)2926.
19. "Nucleation and growth of copper under combined charge transfer and diffusion, limitations. Part II.”, A.Milchev and T.Zapryanova, Electrochimica Acta 51(2006)4916.
20. "Nucleation and growth of copper on glassy carbon: Studies in extended, overpotential interval”, T.Zapryanova, A.Hrussanova and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 600(2007)311.
21. "Initial stages of copper electrodeposition: an overview”, T.Zapryanova, A.Hrussanova, N.Jordanov and A.Milchev, in Nanoscale Phenomena and Structures, Ed. D. Kashshiev, M. Drinov Academic, Publishing House, Sofia, 2008
22. "Electrochemical growth of single copper crystals on glassy carbon and tungsten substrates" T. Zapryanova, N. Jordanov and A. Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 612(2008)47.
23. “The overall adhesion-spreading process of liposomes on a mercury electrode is controlled by a mixed diffusion and reaction kinetics mechanism” V.A.Hernandez, M.Hermes, A.Milchev and F.Scholz, J.Solid State Electrochemistry, 13(2009)639-649.
24. “Study of the temporal distribution of the adhesion-spreading events of liposomes on a mercury electrode” V.A.Hernandez, A.Milchev and F.Scholz, J.Solid State Electrochemistry, 13(2009)1111-1114.
25. “Growth kinetics of single copper crystals: the concentration dependence” T. Zapryanova, A. Danilov, and A. Milchev, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 46(6)(2010)607–610.
I.2 Probabilistic approach to nucleation
1. "Contribution to the probabilistic analysis of the nucleation process", S.Toschev and A.Milchev, Commun. Dept. Chem., BAS 3(1970)755-774 (in Bulgarian)
2. "On some probabilistic aspects of the nucleation process”, S.Toschev, A.Milchev and S.Stoyanov, J.Cryst.Growth, 13/14(1972)123-127.
3. "Probabilistic aspects of mercury electrodeposition on a platinum single crystal, electrode – Part I”, A.Milchev and V.Tsakova, Electrochim. Acta, 30(1985)133-142.
4."Distribution of developed silver clusters on evaporated AgBr layers" V.Platikanova and A.Milchev J.Imaging Sci., 30(1986)210-213.
5. "Spatial distribution of pits on stainless steel”, R.Salvarezza, A.J.Arvia and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 35(1990)289-290.
6. "Probabilistic aspects of mercury electrodeposition on a platinum single crystal electrode – Part II”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 35(1990)339-334.
7. "Probabilistic analysis of the distances between clusters randomly distributed on the electrode surface" A.Milchev, W.Kruijt, M.Sluyters-Rehbach and J.H.Sluyters, J.Electroanal.Chem., 350(1993) 89-95.
8. "On the spatial and temporal distribution of clusters”, A.Milchev, J.Chem.Phys., 100(1994)5160-5164.
9. "Spatial distribution of electrochemically deposited clusters: a simulation study”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 451(1998)211.
10. "Spatial distribution of active sites on a glassy carbon surface”, A.Milchev, E.Michailova and I.Lesigiarska, Electrochemistry Communications, 2(2000)407.
11. “Study of the temporal distribution of the adhesion-spreading events of liposomes on a mercury electrode” V.A.Hernandez, A.Milchev and F.Scholz, J.Solid State Electrochemistry, 13(2009)1111-1114.
I.3 Electrochemical crystal growth
I.3.1 Theory
1. "Kinetics of the initial stages of electrolytic deposition of metals, Part I. General theory”, D.Kashchiev and A.Milchev, Thin Solid Films, 28(1975)189-200.
2. "Kinetics of the initial stages of electrolytic deposition of metals, Part II. Potentiostatic conditions”, D.Kashchiev and A.Milchev, Thin Solid Films, 28(1975)201-211.
3. "Limitations of the silver ion flux by the electrode mechanism of development" A.Milchev and J.Malinovski, J.Phot.Sci., 22(1975)12-14.
4. "Ohmic drop and zones of reduced overpotential during the growth of small, clusters”, A.Milchev, J.Appl.Electrochem., 20(1990)307-318.
5. "Electrochemical growth of spherical clusters under joint ohmic, diffusion and ion, transfer limitations – Part I”, A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 312(1991)267-275.
6. "Electrochemical growth of spherical clusters under joint ohmic, diffusion and ion transfer limitations – Part II”, A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 37(1992)2229-2232.
7. "Electrochemical growth of spherical clusters in the case of one depositing and any number of non-depositing ions”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 29(3/4)(1996/97)444.
8. "Wetting behavior of nanodroplets: The limits of Young’s rule validity”, A.I.Milchev and A.A.Milchev, Europhysics Letters, 56(5)(2001)695-701.
9. "Nanodroplets on a solid plane: wetting and spreading in a Monte Carlo simulation”, Andrey Milchev, Alexander Milchev, Kurt Binder, Computer Phys. Commun., 146(2002)38.
10. "Electrochemical growth of nanoclusters" (review), A.Milchev, in Book of Lectures, FP6 European Project NANOPHEN, IPC, BAS, 2007, p. 159-172.
I.3.2 Experimental
1. "Electronmicroscope investigations of the initial stages of silver, electrodeposition”, S.Toschev, A.Milchev and E.Vassileva, Electrochim. Acta, 21(1976)1055-1059.
2. "Electrochemical growth of spherical clusters under joint ohmic, diffusion and ion transfer limitations – Part III", E.Michailova and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 32(1992)2233-2235.
3. "Electrochemical growth of single mercury droplets under joint ohmic, diffusion and charge transfer limitations”, Emilia Michailova and Alexander Milchev, Russian Journal of Electrochem., 42(2006)678., Электрохимия, 42(6)(2006)756.
4. "Electrochemical growth of single copper crystals on glassy carbon and tungsten substrates", T.Zapryanova, N.Jordanov and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 612(2008)47.
5. "Growth kinetics of single copper crystals: the concentration dependence”, Th. Zapryanova, A. Danilov and A. Milchev, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2010, accepted for publication.
I.4. Influence of surfactants on the nucleation and crystal growth phenomena
1. "Influence of brighteners on the electrolytic growth of single copper crystals”, A.Milchev and E.Vassileva, Commun. Dept. Chem. BAS, 9(1976)496-505 (in Russian).
1’. "Influence of brighteners on the electrolytic growth of single copper crystals”, A.Milchev and E.Vassileva, Proceed. 2nd Internat.Conf.Corr.Protect., Prague,1975, p.1426.
2. "Study of the nucleation of mercury on a platinum electrode in presence of polypropilenglicol" V.Tsakova, A.I.Danilov, E.Michailova, I.Vitanova, D.Stoychev and A.Milchev, Elektrokhimia 20(1984)1498-1501 (in Russian). Soviet. Electrochem., 20(1984) (English translation).
3. "Comparative studies of electrochemical phase formation by amperometric and microscopic methods Part II. Nucleation kinetics in the presence of surfactants”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 235(1987)249-257.
3’. "Comparative studies of electrochemical phase formation by amperometric and, microscopic methods”, V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, Extended Abstracts of 37th ISE Meeting, Vilnius, 2(1986)287.
4. "Electrochemical nucleation of mercury on platinum in the presence of organic additives" V.Tsakova, M.Kjuchukova and A.Milchev, J.Appl.Electrochem., 19(1989)819-822.
5. "Influence of potassium sodium tartrate on the initial stage of silver electrodeposition" E.Michailova and A.Milchev, J.Appl.Electrochem., 21(1991)170-174.
6. "Initial stage of copper electrodeposition in the presence of organic additives" E.Michailova, I.Vitanova, D.Stoychev and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 38(1993)2455-2458.
7. "On the role of surface active agents in the nucleation step of metal electrodeposition on a foreign substrate”, E.Michailova, M.Peykova, D.Stoychev and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 366(1994)195.
8. "Galvanostatic studies of the nucleation and growth kinetics of copper in the presence of surfactants”, M.Peykova, E.Michailova, D.Stoychev and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta, 40(1995)2595-2601.
II.1. Electrochemical nucleation
II.1.1. Theory
1. "On the nucleation theory of electrochemical alloy formation Part I. Overvoltage dependence of the stationary nucleation rate", A.Milchev and R.Lacmann, J.Crystal Growth, 110(1991)919-924
2. "On the nucleation theory of electrochemical alloy formation. Part II. Concentration dependence of the stationary nucleation rate", A.Milchev and R.Lacmann J.Crystal Growth, 110(1991)925-929.
3. "Electrochemical alloy formation - theory of progressive and instantaneous nucleation without overlap", A.Milchev, Electrochim.Acta, 42(1997)1533-1536.
4. "Atomistic aspects of electrochemical alloy formation: a review of nucleation and growth of nano-clusters and thin films" (REVIEW), A.Milchev and G.Staikov, Indian Journal of Chemistry, 44A(2005)899.
5. "Electrocrystallization: nucleation and growth of nano-clusters on solid surfaces", A. Milchev (Review) Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2008, (in print)
II.1.2. Experimental
1. "Electrocrystallization of alloys - nucleation and growth" R.Lacmann, B.Beier, E.Shaepe, R.-N.Zenk and A.Milchev, Dechema Monographien, Band 125, p.437, VCH Verlags - Gesellshaft, 1992
2. "Initial stage of electrochemical alloy formation: size and composition of critical nuclei", A.Milchev, E.Michailova and T.Zapryanova, Electrochemistry Communication, 6(2004)713
II.2. Electrochemical crystal growth
II.2.1 Theory
1. "Electrochemical growth of single metal and alloy clusters Part I. Galvanostatic conditions", A.Milchev, E.Michailova, R. Lacmann and B.Mueller-Zuelow, Electrochim.Acta, 38(1993)535-539.
2. "Electrochemical growth of single metal and alloy clusters Part II. Potentiostatic conditions. Theory", A.Milchev and R.Lacmann, Electrochim.Acta, 40(1995)1475-1478.
II.2.2. Experimental
1. "Silver-mercury whiskers", Chr.Nanev and A.Milchev, Physica Status Solidi (a) 12(1972)291-297.
2. "Method of formation of hollow microcrystals of silver", Chr. Nanev and A. Milchev, Bulg.Pat. No. 16230, INRA, 1972.
3. "Electrochemical growth of single metal and alloy clusters. Part III. Potentiostatic conditions. Experimental", E. Michailova, A.Milchev and R.Lacmann, Electrochim. Acta 41(1996)329-335
1. "Nucleation of silver on a polyaniline coated platinum electrode", V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta 36(1991)1151-1155.
2. "Electrochemical formation and stability of polyaniline films", V.Tsakova and A.Milchev, Electrochim. Acta 36(1991)1579-1583.
3. "Growth of polyaniline films under pulse potentiostatic conditions", V.Tsakova, A.Milchev and J.W.Schultze, J.Electroanal.Chem. 346(1993)85-97.
1. "Nucleation and growth of metal catalysts, Part I. Electrodeposition of platinum on tungsten", A.Kelaidopoulou, G.Kokkinidis and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 444(1998)195-201.
2. "Electroless deposition of Pt on Ti – catalytic activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction", G. Kokkinidis, A.Papoutsis, D.Stoychev and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 486(2000)48.
3. "Electroless deposition of Pt on Ti. Part II. Catalytic activity for oxygen reduction", G.Kokkinidis, D.Stoychev, V.Lazarov, A.Papoutsis and A.Milchev, J.Electroanal.Chem., 511(2001)20-30.
4. "Electrocrystallization of metal catalysts: nucleation and growth of platinum on a titanium electrode", A.Milchev, D.Stoychev, V.Lazarov, A.Papoutsis and G.Kokkinidis, J.Crystal Growth, 226(2001)138-147.
5. "Electrodeposition of platinum on metallic and nonmetallic substrates – selection of experimental conditions", D.Stoychev, A.Papoutsis, A.Kelaidopoulou, G.Kokkinidis and A.Milchev, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 72(2001)360-365.
See also: