Alexander Karamanov
Professor Alexander KARAMANOV, Ph.D.
Address: Prof. Alexander Karamanov Institute of Physical Chemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ul. Acad. G. Bonchev, blok 11 Sofia 1113 Bulgaria
Personal site
born 1962
Master of Sciences in Chemical Engineering: Glass and Ceramic Materials, 1986
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia
Ph. D. Degree: Institute of Physical Chemistry, Sofia, 1996 - thesis: Building sintered glass-ceramic materials (tutor Prof. I. Gutzow)
- Institute of Physical Chemistry, Sofia Ph.D. student 1989-1992
- Vitroma Ltd, Sofia Vice president 1993-1996
- Glass Factory STIND Ltd, Sofia Engineer 1994-1996
- University of L'Aquila, Italy Postdoctoral Research Associate 1997-2000 ( EC Project BRE2-CT94-1018)
- University of L'Aquila, Italy Scientific Consultant and Lector 2001-2007
- Institute of Physical Chemistry, Sofia, Associated Professor 2006-2011
- Institute of Physical Chemistry, Sofia, Professor since 2011
Fields of Specialisation
- synthesis and characterisation of glasses, glass-ceramics and ceramics materials;
- waste vitrification;
- kinetics of phase formation and sintering in amorphous materials;
- theory and application of sinter-crystallisation technology;
- formation of induced crystallisation porosity
Head of the experimental vitrifications of hazardous wastes, realised in the pilot melting furnace in Iglesias (Sardinia-Italy)
1999 and 2000 (EC Project BRE2-CT94-1018); 2001 and 2002 (UNIDO courses for environmental protection)
Scientific Activity
- 48 publications in refereed international journals
- 62 publications in proceedings volumes of international conferences
- 6 Bulgarian patents
- 5 medals from International Exhibitions
- more that 1100 citations in refereed international journals, h index = 19
- Participant and/or Coordinator of 3 EU and 5 National Scientific Projects
- Scientific referee of mote than 150 articles in about 20 peer review journals
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
- The Special Prize of Bulgarian Patent Association 1993
- Member of the Consultative Counsel of Ministry of Environmental and Water - Bulgaria
Publications in international journals:
Karamanov A., Gutzow I., Penkov I., "Diopside Marble-like Glass-Ceramics", Glastech. Ber., Glass Sci. Tech., 67, [7], 1994, 202-208
Karamanov A., Gutzow I. Chomacov I., "Synthesis of Wall-covering Glass-Ceramics from waste raw Materials", Glastech.. Ber., Glass Sci. Tech., 67, [8], 1994, 227-231
Gutzow. I., Paskova R., Karamanov A., Schmelzer J., "The Kinetics of Surface Induced Sinter-crystallization and the Formation of Glass-Ceramic Materials", J. Mater. Sci., 33 [21], 1998, 5265-5273
Karamanov A., Pelino M., "Evaluation of the Degree of Crystallisation in Glass-Ceramics by Density Measurements", J. European Cer. Soc., 19 [5], 1999, 649-654
Karamanov A., Cantalini C., Pelino M., Hreglich A., "Kinetics of Phase Formation in Jarosite Glass-Ceramics", J. European Cer. Soc., 19 [4], 1999, 527-533
Karamanov A., Pisciella P. Pelino M., "The Effect of Cr2O3 as Nucleating Agent in Iron Rich Glass-Ceramics", J. European Cer. Soc., 19 [15], 1999, 2641-2645
Karamanov A., Taglieri G., Pelino M., "Iron-Rich Sintered Glass-Ceramics from Industrial Wastes", J. American Cer. Soc., 82 [11], 1999, 3012-3016
Karamanov A., Pisciella P., Pelino M., "The Crystallisation Kinetics of Iron Rich Glasses in Different Atmospheres", J. European Cer. Soc., 20 [12], 2000, 2233-2237
Karamanov A., Pisciella P., Cantalini C. and Pelino M., "The Influence of the Fe3+ /Fe2+ Ratio on the Crystallization of Iron-rich Glasses from Industrial Wastes", J. American Cer. Soc., 81 [12], 2000, 3153-3157
Pisciella P., Crisucci S., Karamanov A., Pelino M., "Chemical Durability of Glasses Obtained by Vitrification of Industrial Wastes", Waste Management, 21, 2001, 1-9
Karamanov A., Pelino M., "Crystallization Phenomena in Iron Rich Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 281 [1-3], 2001, 139-151
Karamanov A., Vitale A., Hreglich S., Pelino M., "Sinter-Crystallisation of glass from MSW", Mat. Eng. J., 12 [2], 2001, 43-53
Karamanov A., .Di Gioaccino R., Pisciella P, Pelino M., "Glass Transformation Range of Iron-Rich Glass and Glass-Ceramics", Glass Technology, 42, 2001, 126-129
Karamanov A., Pelino, M., "Influence of time-lag on the activation energy in non-isothermal crystallization", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 290, 2001, 173-179
Pelino M, Karamanov A. "Reply to "comment on " "The Influence of the Fe3+ /Fe2+ Ratio on the Crystallization of Iron-rich Glasses from Industrial Wastes", J. American Cer. Soc., 84 [11], 2001, 2742-43
Karamanov A., Di Gioacchino R., Pisciella P. Pelino M., "Viscosity of iron-rich glasses from industrial wastes", Glass Technology, 43, 2002, 34-38
Pelino M, Karamanov A., Pisciella P., Zanneti D. Crisucci S, "Vitrification of Electric Arc Furnace Dusts", Waste Management, 22, 2002, 945-949
Karamanov A., Pelino M., Hreglich A., "Sintered Glass-Ceramics from MSW-Incinerator Fly Ashes, Part I: The influence of the heating rate on the sinter-crystallisation.", J. European Cer. Soc., 23, 2003, 827-832
Karamanov A., Pelino M., Ferraris M, Metecovitz I, "Sintered Glass-Ceramics from MSW-Incinerator Fly Ashes, Part II. The influence of the particle size and heat-treatment on the properties", J. European Cer. Soc., 23, 2003, 1609-16015
Karamanov A., Taglieri G., Pelino M., "Sintering Behavior and Properties of Iron-Rich Glass-Ceramics", J. American Cer. Soc., 87, 8, 2004, 1571-1574
Karamanov A., Taglieri G., Pelino M., "Sintering in nitrogen atmosphere of iron-rich glass-ceramics", J. American Cer. Soc., 87, 7, 2004, 1354-1357
Karamanov A., Arrizza L., Matecovetc I., Pelino M., "Properties of sintering glass-ceramics belonging to the system diopside-albite", Ceramics International, 30, 2004, 2129-2135
Aloisi M, Karamanov A., Pelino M., "The sintering behaviour of MSWI ash glass", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 345-346, 2004, 192-196
Karamanov A, Aloisi M., Pelino M., "Sintering behaviour of a glass obtained from MSWI ash" J. European Cer. Soc., 25, 2005, 1531-1540
Karamanov A., Karamanova E., Ferrante F., Pelino M., "The effect of scrap addition on the sintering behavior of hard porcelain", Ceramics International, 32, 2006, 727-732
Karamanov A, Pelino M., "Sinter-Crystallization in the System Diopside-Albite, Part I. Formation of Induced Crystallisation Porosity", J. European Cer. Soc., 26, 2006, 2511-2517
Karamanov A, Pelino M., "Sinter-Crystallization in the System Diopside-Albite, Part II. Kinetics of Crystallization and Sintering", J. European Cer. Soc., 26, 2006, 2519-2526
Aloisi M., Karamanov A., Taglieri G., Ferrante F. Pelino M., "Glass-Ceramics and Glass-Ceramic Composite Sintered by Vitrified MSW", J. Hazardous Mat., B137, 2006, 138-143
Karamanov A., Aloisi M., Pelino M., "Vitrification of Copper Flotation Waste", J. Hazardous Mat., 140, 2007, 333-339
Ergul S., Akyildiz M., Karamanov A., "Ceramic Material from Basaltic Tuffs", Industrial Ceramics, 37, 2, 2007, 75-80
Karamanov A., Pelino M., "Induced Crystallization Porosity and Properties of Sintered Diopside and Wollastonite Glass-Ceramics", J. European Cer. Soc., 28, 2008, 555-562
Karamanov A., Ergul S., Akyildiz M., Pelino M., "Sinter-Crystallization of a Glass Obtained from Basaltic Tuffs", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 354, 2008, 290-295
Barbieri L., Karamanov A., Corradi A., Lancellotti I., Pelino M., Rincon J., "Microstructural, Chemical and Thermal Study of Glasses Containing Oxide-Based Wastes", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 354, 2008, 521-528
Karamanova E., Karamanov A., "Glass-Ceramic Frits by Fly Ash in Terracotta Production", Waste Management & Research, 27, 1, 2009, 87-92
Karamanov A., "Granite-like materials from hazardous wastes obtained by sinter-crystallization of glass frits", Advances in Applied Ceramics, 108, 1, 2009, 14-21
Karamanov A., Arrizza L., Ergul S., "Sintered Material From Alkaline Basaltic Tuffs", J. European Cer. Soc., 29, 2009, 595-601
Ergul S., Ferrante F., Pisciella P., Karamanov A., Pelino M., "Characterization of basaltic tuffs and their applications for the production of ceramic and glass-ceramic materials", Ceramics International, 35, 7, 2009, 2789-2795
Karamanov A., Georgieva I., Pascova R., Avramov I., "Pore Formation in Glass Ceramics: Influence of the Stress Energy Distribution", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 356, 117-119, 2010
Schabbach L, Andreola F., Karamanova E., Lancellotti I., Karamanov A., Barbieri L. "Integrated approach to establish the sinter-crystallisation ability of glasses from secondary raw material", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 357, 10-17, 2011
Karamanova E., Avdeev G., Karamanov A., "New Building Ceramics based on Blast Furnace Slag", J. European Ceramic Society, 31, 989-998, 2011
Andreola F., Barbieri L., Lancellotti I., Schabbach L.M., Karamanova E., Karamanov A., "Building ceramic products based on secondary raw materials (SRM)", Sklar a keramik, 9-10, 222-225, 2011
Schabbach L.M., Andreola F., Barbieri L., Lancellotti I., Karamanova E., Ranguelov B., Karamanov A., "Post-treated incinerator bottom ash as alternative raw material for ceramic manufacturing", J. European Ceramic Society, 32, 2843-2852, 2012
Karamanov A., Avramov I., Arrizza L., Pascova R., Gutzow I., "Variation of Avrami parameter during non-isothermal surface crystallization of glass powders with different sizes", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 358, 1486-1490, 2012
Andreola F., Barbieri L., Lancellotti I., Schabbach L.M., Karamanova E., Karamanov A., "Building ceramic products obtained from refractory clay and post-treated MSW bottom ash", Tiles & Bricks International, 2, 33-41, 2012
Karamanov A., Dzhantov B., Paganelli M, Sighinolfi D., "Glass Transition Temperature and Activation Energy of Sintering by Optical Dilatometry", Thermochemica Acta, 553 1-7, 2013
Karamanov A., Maccarini Schabbach L., Karamanova E., Andreola F., Barbieri L., Ranguelov B., Avdeev G., Lancellotti I., "Sinter-crystallization in air and inert atmospheres of a glass from pre-treated municipal solid waste bottom ashes", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 389 50-59, 2014
Karamanov A., "Vitrification and Sinter-Crystallization of Iron-Rich Industrial Wastes", Advances in Science and Technology, 92 174-183, 2014
Fokin Vladimir M., Karamanov A., Abyzov Alexander S., Schmelzer Jurn W. P., Zanotto Edgar D., "Stress-induced Pore Formation and Phase Selection in a Crystallizing Stretched Glass, in: Glass-Selected Properties and Crystallization, Jurn W. P. Schmelzer (Editor)", De Gruyter, 441-479, 2014
Kamusheva A., Hamzawy E., Karamanov A., "Crystallization and structure of glass-ceramic from electric arc furnace slag", J. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 50, 4, 2015, 512-519
Ljatifi E., Kamusheva A., Grozdanov A., Paunović, Karamanov A., "Optimal thermal cycle for production of glass-ceramic based on wastes from ferronickel manufacture", Ceramic International, 41, 2015, 11379–11386
Avramova K., Karamanov A., I. Avramov, "Variations in non-isothermal surface crystallization kinetics due to minor composition changes", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 428, 2015 49–53
Ljatifi E., Kamusheva A., Nacevski G., Karamanova E., Petrovski A., Grozdanov A., Karamanov A., Paunović P., "Thermal and Enviromental Charateristics of Glass produced from Metallurgical Wastes", Materials and Environmental Protection, 1, 2015, 11-18
Kamusheva A., Karamanov A., "Pycnometric evaluation of crystallinity and porosity in pyroxene glass-ceramics from industrial wastes", Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education, Vol. 25 Number 1, 2016, 21-34
Taurino R., Karamanov A., Rosa R., Karamanova E., Barbieri L., Atanasova-Vladimirova S., Avdeev G., Leonelli C., "New ceramic materials from MSWI bottom ash obtained by an innovative microwave-assisted sintering process", J. European Cer. Soc., 2016 (in press).