Synthesis and characterization of new advanced materials with applications in industry;
Synthesis and testing of new materials for accumulation of ecological fuels and catalysts for their burning;
Synthesis of new oxide and polymer materials with application in optoelectronics and laser technique;
Development of functional coatings with improved characteristics for machine building.
For biomedical applications
Isolation and investigation of natural compounds and synthesis of new materials with applications in cosmetics, pharmacy, nutraceutics;
Development of new polymers with specific application in medicine and pharmacy;
Design and characterization of sensing materials for determination of bioactive compounds involved in the human metabolism;
Synthesis of fluorescent markers for nucleic acids and tumor cells;
Estimation of stability of free radicals in foods, relevant to the validity of European protocols for dry foods and fruits.
For ecology
Utilization of industrial wastes for the synthesis of glass ceramic materials;
Synthesis of environmentally friendly materials used as catalysts for purification of water and atmosphere and chemosensors for environmental control, e.g. of pesticides in foods;
Development of approaches for utilization of sea chemical resources, e.g. for production of inorganic chemicals;
Development of methods for extraction of metals from waste raw materials through electroextraction and electrorefining.
For conservation of cultural heritage
Establishment of an objective basis for strategies for better preservation, for more precise diagnostics and identification of archaeological finds, as well as, for their more effective conservation and restoration;
Provision of data for more precise dating and condition checking;
Evaluation of the existing materials and techniques for conservation and restoration, as well as, testing of new ones;
Studying the correlations between the parameters of the burial conditions in various archaeological sites, the condition of the materials to be discovered and their reaction when taken out in the atmosphere;
Formation and furnishing of mobile laboratories equipped with teams of specialists for the inspection, analysis, in situ stabilization and conservation in order to facilitate the work of the archaeologists during excavations.