Publication List of Department "Interfaces and Colloids" 2019
Best scientific achievement of IPC-BAS in 2019
Ivan L. Minkov, Dimitrinka Arabadzhieva, Ibrahim E. Salama, Elena Mileva, Radomir I. Slavchov
“Barrier kinetics of adsorption–desorption of alcohol monolayers on water under constant surface tension”
Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 1730–1746; IF 3.399; Q1
Previous studies related to the solubility of monolayers of slightly soluble surfactants have yielded results that contradict the widely accepted notion of a diffusion-limited desorption process in the literature. Now we have conducted a systematic study on the solubility of dodecanol and decanol monolayers in wide temperature range (10-30°C). The experimental results were obtained by a combination of three different techniques: Langmuir trough, tensiometer with profile analysis, and nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (NMR). A detailed theoretical analysis of the obtained data is performed. The results clearly demonstrate the existence of an energy barrier in the initial stages of the desorption process. Numerical values of several constants characterizing the solubility process, such as characteristic residence time of a surfactant molecule on the surface of a monolayer, the activating energy of the barrier transition, etc. have been obtained. Schematic map of the adsorption-desorption regimes is constructed as a function of time, surfactant convection and temperature.

ISBN: 978-1-4665-8772-4
Ivan Minkov, Dimitrinka Arabadzhieva, Ibrahim Salama, Elena Mileva, Radomir Slavchov. Barrier kinetics of adsorption–desorption of alcohol monolayers on water under constant surface tension. Soft Matter, 8, 15, RSC, 2019, DOI:10.1039/c8sm02076k, 1730-1746. SJR (Scopus):1.17, JCR-IF (Web of Science):3.399 Q1
Mileva E., Arabadzhieva D., Gyurova A., Alexandrova L., Chinarev A., Tsygankova S., Tuzikov A., Khristov Khr., Ranguelov B.. Smart complex fluids based on two-antennary oligoglycines. ChemSusChem, 12, 3, Wiley-VCH, 2019, ISSN:1864-564X, DOI:, 672-683. SJR (Scopus):2.367, JCR-IF (Web of Science):7.804 Q1
Gochev G., Scoppola, E., Campbell, R, Noskov, B., Miller, R, Schneck, E.. β-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layers at the Water/Air Surface: 3. Neutron Reflectometry Study on the Effect of pH. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 50, ACS, 2019, 10877-10889. SJR (Scopus):1.109, JCR-IF (Web of Science):2.923 Q1
Garcia Rey N., Weissenborn E., Schulze-Zachau F., Gochev G., Braunschweig B.. Quantifying Double-Layer Potentials at Liquid-Gas Interfaces fromVibrational Sum-Frequency Generation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 2, 2019, ISSN:1932-7447, DOI:, 1279-1286. SJR (Scopus):1.65, JCR-IF (Web of Science):4.309 Q1
Milyaeva, O., Campbell, R., Gochev, G., Loglio, G., Lin, S.-Y., Miller, R., Noskov, B.. Dynamic Surface Properties of Mixed Dispersions of Silica Nanoparticles and Lysozyme. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 22, ACS, 2019, 4803-4812. SJR (Scopus):1.11, JCR-IF (Web of Science):2.923 Q1
Richert, M., Gochev, G., Braunschweig, B.. Specific Ion Effects of Trivalent Cations on the Structure and Charging State of β-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layer. Langmuir, 35, 35, ACS, 2019, 11299-11307. SJR (Scopus):1.21, JCR-IF (Web of Science):3.683 Q1
Karakashev, S.I, Firouzi, M., Wang, J., Alexandrova, L., Nguyen, A.V. On thestability of thin films of pure water. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 268, 2019, ISSN:ISSN 0927‐7757, 82-90. SJR (Scopus):1.79, JCR-IF (Web of Science):8.243 Q1
Hristova, S.H., Zhivkov, A.M., Isoelectric point of free and adsorbed cytochrome c determined by various methods. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 174, Elsevier, 2019, ISSN:0927-7765,, 87-94. ISI IF:4.294, Q1
Hristova, S.H., Zhivkov, A.M., Electrooptical determination of the isoelectric point of globular proteins: cytochrome c adsorbed on montmorillonite nanoplates. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 176, Elsevier, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.12.069, 480-487. SJR (Scopus):0.957, JCR-IF (Web of Science):3.973 Q1
Jordanova, A, Petkova, H, Stoyanova, V, Tsanova, A, Stoimenova, E, Todorov, R, Hristova, E, Lalchev, Z. Adsorption mono- and bilayers from gastric aspirates of newborns. C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., приета за печат: 2019, ISSN:1310–1331, ISI IF:0.27, Q2
Hristova, S.H., Zhivkov, A.M., Cytotoxic effect of exogenous cytochrome c adsorbed on montmorillonite colloid particles on colon cancer cell culture. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 72, 2, БАН, 2019, ISSN:1310–1331, 198-203. SJR (Scopus):0.205, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.321 Q2
Exerowa, D, Todorov, R. Biomedical foam films. Foam Films and Foams: Fundamentals and Application, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:9781466587724, 18, 139-156
Gochev G., Kristen-Hochrein N.. Foam Films stabilized by Polymers and proteins. Foam Films and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 17, 121-138
Gochev G., Platikanov, D., Miller R.. Historical Perspectives on Foam Films. Foam Films and Foams Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 18, 59-76
Khristov Khr.. Role of Foam Films in Foam Stability. Foam Films and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 11, 233-244
Mileva E.. Surfactant stabilized foam films. Foam Films and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 21, 99-120
Mileva, E.. Dotchi Exerowa (1935–2017). Foam Film and Foams Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 4, v-viii
Liggieri L., Mileva E., Miller R.. "The surface layer as a basis for foam formation and stability". CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 55, 3-58
Platikanov, D., Exerowa, D.. Fundamentals of Foam Films. Foam Films and Foams Fundamentals and Applications, 7, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 21, 77-98
Ulaganathan V., Gochev G.. Foam Fractionation. Foam Films and Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4665-8772-4, 7, 371-378
Atanasov, V.R., Hristova, S.H., Zhivkov, A.M., Alterations in the 3D-structure and function of the coagulation factor VIII at haemophilia a caused by inversion 22 in the F8 gene. Hematology, LIV, 1-2, Bulgarian medical society of hematology, 2018, ISSN:2367-7864, 36-41. SJR:0.101
Atanasov, V.R., Hristova, S.H., Zhivkov, A.M.. Molecular simulation of structural changes and membrane-binding capability of mutant I22I FVIII. Genetics and Plant Physiology, 8, 3-4, БАН -Институт по физиология на растенията и генетика, 2019, ISSN:1314-6394, 146-154